Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year, Old Me?

Greetings, people from far away lands! It is I, the weird raccoon-loving, positivity-leaking Latvian ray of sunshine!

I know it has been far too long since my last post. But for the first time in history I have actually been busy - [hold for a dramatic effect] - living my life! *gasp* (I hope at least one of you theatrically fainted somewhere in the distance).

But yes, it finally happened. I got a life.

A year ago I decided to stop being an anti-social hermit, pack my entire life in 1 suitcase and move to Germany. For someone who's been very comfortable living in the shadows her whole life, this was a giant step for me.

And here I am, a year later, living with the love of my life, three adopted kittens and a dream of moving to America! Oh, AND, a brand new slushy machine! So, cheers to a New Year!

Left to right: 
Amy (Ames, A-moosh),
Cooper (Coop, Coopowski, Coopman),
Reginald (Reggie, Ragout, Rigatoni)

Now, I know what you're all thinking - but Baiba, what about your love for dogs? Don't worry. Brian (he's real, I swear) promised me a house in the future for my 5 dogs. And possibly an alpaca? That topic is still to be discussed...

So that's what I've been doing for the past year - becoming the ultimate housewife, who's darn proud of her garden, three fluffy babies and a patient, wonderful man, who has the strength to keep up with her shenanigans, sarcasm and the never-ending supply of Christmas lights.

You might be wondering (you're probably not, but I'm gonna tell you anyways) why have I returned and what are my plans. Well...

This isn't going to be one of those - new year, new me - things. I don't want a completely new me and I don't plan on changing my entire personality or making promises and undertaking some New Year's resolutions, which I will most likely ditch within a week or two. I am already on a great path of self-discovery, growth and improvement since last year, so I just need to keep going in the right direction. However, there is one thing that has been on my mind for a long time now, and I feel like this could be The Year. It's my unconditional love for writing. I love writing. I love reading. I love reading what I and others have written. I love expressing myself in words, and I actually think I'm quite good at it. I love the English language and I think I can express myself in it the best. It's one of the reasons I became a translator. I love sharing my stories and positivity with others, and maybe even inspire someone out there. That's why my dream has always been to become a writer. I just never knew what to write about, in what form and how. I always doubted myself, thinking no one will care or enjoy my writing anyways, I'm not good enough or funny, or smart, it's just a waste of time. But, NO MORE! I am making it happen this year. Whether it's through frequent blog posts, articles or even my own book on how to tame a wild raccoon - mark my words, people, I will write this year!

Now all that's left is to shoo Cooper off my laptop, make a fresh batch of delicious flavored ice, crack my knuckles (figure of speech, as I hate the sound of cracking knuckles) and get to work!
But first I have to go check all your blogs and see what you've all been up to!
I hope you had a wonderful year!

But for now, take care!

Unwanted House Guests

Today is my birthday!  I've never had any problems stating my age. Not sure if that's something women struggle with only at a certai...