So yesterday I was feeling kinda sad… but I spent all evening watching awesome movies and they sure did cheer me up.
Plus, special thanks to Elisa and Melynda :) you two make me smile no matter how sad I am. Thank you sooo much for that.
Basically I wanted to watch a bunch of movies, cry a little and think about some stuff… but ended up watching only two movies that totally changed my mood. Why? You might ask…I don’t know ;D well, I know about one of them. It’s the „Mamma Mia”. That movie I could watch 24/7 just because I love ABBA. I love every single song (I’m kinda addicted to that kind of music) and I like to sing along. Plus it’s such a sweet movie, it can cheer me up no matter what.
The other movie I watched was „Stranger than fiction”. If you haven’t seen this one I most certainly suggest you to. It is so awesome. It simply makes me think about life, the real meaning of it… I usually watch comedies or romantic comedies, but this is more like… Drama…but I love it. I don’t even know why I like it so much. Can’t really explain. But I think it’s an awesome movie.
So that’s all it takes to cheer me up. Some sweet comments from you, and few amazing movies. Today I feel ok. I still have to deal with few problems and sad stuff, but I feel much better and stronger today. :)
And I promise I’ll write something normal soon ;D
Take care,